Aging With Grace – Applicable To All Ages

A lovely article on the graceful way to age and remain elegant…

Lady Grey

Essay Of Two

What follows does not apply only to the mummies and grannies since aging escapes no one regardless at which decade of our life we are in.

How quickly those years add up on us. While we scramble with minimising the effects of the passage of time, slathering thousands of dollars on our body to protect, conceal and preserve, all these time the pages of magazines, billboards, advertisements etc, portrays a demographic of women that never age – even photoshopped to perfection.

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The Elegant Woman: Art Patron

iconic women

The Inspirational Women series that I commissioned from Hannah Buckmaster of TangledAntlers

We love beauty, and we love elegance. We are great curators of beautiful images and lovely things for ourselves on the internet. We admire couture, and we shop for things that make us feel elegant.

In all of this, we sadly only perpetuate our own understanding of beauty.

The Elegant Woman can be so much more than that! She is a woman who allows her perceptions of beauty to be expanded. She encourages others to embrace their own beauty. And above all else, she is a model of good taste when it comes to supporting those who understand beauty and can convey it in new ways to the world.

hannahHannah Buckmaster of TangledAntlers is a lovely new artist that is stepping out in faith to begin her work full-time as an artist. She has opened a small Etsy shop and hopes to one day have a boutique of her own. I commissioned this watercolor trio from her to remind me that an elegant woman is not just the woman who puts on flawless makeup in the morning (I plan to hang these in my dressing room), but one who puts on strength and dignity, as these three iconic stars did over the years.

I hope you’ll consider taking a peek at Hannah’s shop. Perhaps you’d like to own a set of prints to match my watercolors, or maybe you’d like to commission your own work and begin to add “Art Patron” to your list of elegant accomplishments?

Elegantly yours,
Lady Grey


Looking forward to hearing more from Raven!

Lady Grey

The Curious Raven

Being a lady requires a confidence and awareness of self that comes with self acceptance and acknowledgement of our strengths and weaknesses.

A lady is elegant, kind and refined – traits that can be cultivated by practicing etiquette and discipline in all situations.

The choice to act and behave as a lady is a lifelong adventure – one that will cause success, admiration and respect to follow.

There are little rules to follow, especially in traditional areas such as dining, wearing gloves or hats and writing letters, as well as some guidelines that are not set in stone but useful to know.

I shall try to cover many of these areas and be as helpful as possible on your path, because of course that’s what a lady would do.

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The Love/Hate Challenge

Erika Kind invited me to this challenge, and it sounds like a useful one. To participate  I have to list ten things that I love and then ten things that I hate and nominate 10 bloggers to do the same.

Though “hate” is a strong word, I think I’ve made a good list for all of you!

10 things I love:

  1. My amazing sons
  2. Beauty
  3. Paris – all of it!
  4. Hot showers
  5. Clean sheets
  6. A fireplace, afghan, and hot cup of coffee on a cold winter’s night
  7. Movie musicals
  8. Anything vintage 1920s – clothes, architecture, lingo, music, dance, historical figures, etc.!
  9. Absolut Citron
  10. Historical fiction, from Robert Alexander to Tasha Alexander.

springtime in paris10 things I hate:

  1. People who “know” the answers and aren’t willing to listen to other perspectives.
  2. Smacking – when people chew with their mouth open.
  3. Lazy men who can’t lead or make decisions in a relationship.
  4. Girls who feel the need to dress like they’re in the bedroom when in public.
  5. Hypocracy.
  6. Dogs that shed all over the house – like, enough to gather it up and create another small pet in one day.
  7. Dirty restrooms.
  8. Horror films and psychological thrillers.
  9. Snakes. Oh goodness, do I hate snakes.
  10. Disrespect of anyone.

I nominate:

Lady Earlene


Mixed Metas

Wuji Seshat 


The Music Within Us



Black Lace and Glitter


Thank you for the nomination, Erika!

Lady Grey